Title: BYU Football
Medium: Clay and Paint
Size: 14" tall 11" wide 11" deep
Sculpted in clay and painted to look metallic.
Side view
Title: BYU Football
Medium: Clay and Paint
Size: 14" tall 11" wide 11" deep
Sculpted in clay and painted to look metallic.
Title: Tribuscirculum-fluat
or Three ring distiller
Medium: Ceramic (Stoneware),
Wire, and Tubing
Size: 2’ 5” tall 1’ 8” wide 1’ deep
Several connected wheel thrown sections on a separate base.
Title: Aestimabilis-ampulla
or Valuable bottle
Medium: Ceramic (Stoneware),
Wire, and Tubing
Size: 1'5" tall 9"wide
Wheel thrown sections of unglazed colored clay.
Title: Scrutiny
Medium: Ceramic (Stoneware)
Size: 2’ 7” tall 2’ wide 11” deep
Three connected wheel thrown sections on a separate base.
Title: Accumulation of Divine Service 2
Medium: Ceramic on Wood Shelving
Size: 12' long 13' wide 7' tall
Over 700 wheel thrown pottery vessels.
Side View
Title: Accumulation of Divine Service 2
Medium: Ceramic on Wood Shelving
Size: 12' long 13' wide 7' tall
Over 700 wheel thrown pottery vessels.
Close-up of Top
Title: Accumulation of Divine Service 2
Medium: Ceramic on Wood Shelving
Size: 12' long 13' wide 7' tall
Over 700 wheel thrown pottery vessels.
Title: Accumulation of Divine Service
Medium: Ceramic on Wood Shelving
Size: 18' long 7' tall
Over 1000 wheel thrown pottery vessels
Close-up of Top
Title: Accumulation of Divine Service
Medium: Ceramic on Wood Shelving
Size: 18' long 7' tall
Over 1000 wheel thrown pottery vessels.
Front Side View
Title: Accumulation of Divine Service
Medium: Ceramic on Wood Shelving
Size: 18' long 7' tall
Over 1000 wheel thrown pottery Vessels
Side View
Title: Accumulation of Divine Service
Medium: Ceramic on Wood Shelving
Size: 18' long 7' tall
Over 1000 wheel thrown pottery vessels.
Title: Pit pot 1
Medium: Ceramic (Pit Fired)
Size: 9” tall 8” wide
Specially prepared clay that would crack
and texture during throwing.
Title: Pit pot 2
Medium: Ceramic (Pit Fired)
Size: 8” tall 6” wide
Specially prepared clay that would crack
and texture during throwing.
Title: Stacked Finial Vessels
Medium: Ceramic - Unglazed Colored Clay
Size: Approximately 3' tall 1.5' wide
Between six and eight separate stackable sections.
Title: Stacked Finial Vessels 2
Medium: Ceramic - Unglazed Colored Clay
Size: Approximately 3' tall 1.5' wide
Between six and eight separate stackable sections.
Title: Stacked Finial Vessels 3
Medium: Ceramic - Unglazed Colored Clay
Size: Approximately 4' tall 1.5' wide
Between six and eight separate stackable sections.
Title: Ghost Willow
Medium: Ceramic
(Naked Raku with Terasigilata)
Size: Approximately 2’ 6” tall 2’ wide
Wheel thrown with burnished local colored clay.
Title: Ghost Willow
Medium: Ceramic
(Naked Raku with Terasigilata)
Size: Approximately 1’ 8” tall 10” wide
Wheel thrown with burnished colored clay.
Title: Inner Vessel
Medium: Ceramic - Unglazed Colored Clay
Size: Approximately 1' tall 5" wide
Title: Inner Vessel
Medium: Ceramic - Wheel Thrown and Altered
Size: Approximately 1.5' tall 9" wide
Title: Raku Vase
Medium: Ceramic (Non-Fade Raku)
Wheel Thrown
Size: Approximately 1’ 3” tall 7” wide
Experimental rake with a copper glaze that will not fade over time.
Title: Raku Vase
Medium: Ceramic (Crackle Glaze)
Wheel Thrown
Size: Approximately 1’ 3” tall 11” wide
Sprayed on colored crackle raku glaze.
Title: Raku Vase
Medium: Ceramic (Non-Fade Raku)
Wheel Thrown
Size: Approximately 1’ 4” tall 6” wide
Experimental rake with a copper glaze that will not fade over time.
Title: Inner Vessel
Medium: Ceramic (Raku)
Wheel Thrown and Altered
Size: Approximately 1’ 9” tall 9" wide
Six sections connected and carved.
Title: Coil Pot with Wheel Thrown Attachments
Medium: Ceramic
Size: Approximately 2.5' tall 9" wide
Title: Slab Pot with Wheel Thrown Attachment
Medium: Ceramic
Size: Approximately 2.5' tall 9" wide
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